Clark College Student Ambassadors

Category Archives: Mary

Student Ambassador Mary

Hello everyone! My name is Mary Harter, and I am one of the Student Ambassadors at Clark College. A little bit about me is that I am in my last year at Clark in our Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Services program, and I am loving it! I have always been drawn toward psychology and sociology which makes this program a great fit for me. I also love to help others in any way that I can… which includes helping students like you! When I am not working on schoolwork, (which is A LOT!) I love to play video games, go hiking/camping, and check out new food places I have never been to before. Luckily despite being swamped with school over the summer, I got to go camping and experience new food places!

Visiting Seaside, OR with PTK.

I am so grateful to be back for a second year as a Student Ambassador. I love being connected to the college and teaching about all the things that we have to offer. I think that my favorite parts of this job are the group visits and my team! Helping out on group visits can be so much fun and we get to teach young students in our community all about what we do at Clark College, and I couldn’t ask for a better team to work with.

Representing the Welcome Center in our matching Clark College sweatshirts.

Don’t be afraid to come and ask for help because everyone is so warm and welcoming, I am looking forward to another year and I hope to see you there!

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