Clark College Student Ambassadors

Category Archives: Madi

Meet Ambassador Madi!

Hi everyone! My name is Madi Beck, and I’m a new Student Ambassador for the school year here at Clark College. I’m very excited to be here! I am currently pursuing my Direct Transfer Associates degree in English. I don’t have a specific plan or transfer school in mind, and I’ll probably end up taking another gap year after I get my DTA, but my end goal is a degree in Library/Information Science. Being a librarian has been my dream job since I was a kid! I want a career that combines my interests in literature and community service, and being a librarian would tick both those boxes.

Summit photo on Grays Peak in Colorado.

As you can probably guess, one of my biggest hobbies is reading. I am obsessed with storytelling in any form though, whether that’s through podcasts, videos, movies, TV shows, or video games. Some of my favorite pieces of media out there include the video game Hollow Knight and the D&D based web series Critical Role. Fun fact; this September I got to meet Matthew Mercer, one of the creators from Critical Role! I will probably never get over that.

Me in my budget cosplay with Matthew Mercer!

I also really enjoy learning about history through the lens of mythology. For me, that is a very personal way to learn about historical peoples. As well as being a big geek, I am also a very outdoorsy person! I love backpacking and bird-watching, and I have spent a LOT of summers in the back-country of Oregon, Washington, and Colorado building hiking trails with various volunteer organizations.

I was born in Oregon City, but spent much of my childhood and teen years traveling the United States with my parents, little sister, and dogs. My travel crazy parents have settled down for the next few years in Savannah, GA. I get to take advantage of the nice southern weather when I go to visit.

Me, my little brother, and little sister post Barbie movie!

The pacific Northwest, and Vancouver/Portland specifically, have always held a special place in my heart no matter what. That is why I decided to continue my education at Clark college. I took several years off between high school and college to work, and was intimidated reentering the academic world. But my experience has been wonderful since the starting here, and if Clark offered a degree in Library Science I would gladly stay here for my entire educational career. As it is, I am so happy and excited to finish up my DTA as a Student Ambassador! I’m very excited to meet all our new and returning students this year, and I hope I’ll be able to make them feel as welcomed as I did as a new student!

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