Clark College Student Ambassadors

Category Archives: Tomas

Meet Ambassador Tomas

A picnic with loved ones at Clark’s Friendship Garden

Hello everyone! My name is Tomas Naujokas (he/him), and I am one of your Student Ambassadors for the 2022-2023 school year. I’ve lived in Washington my entire life and absolutely love the PNW. When it’s not raining, you can usually catch me out on the many amazing hiking trails that we have in the area or out and about on my bike. Even though I am generally against the beach as a place to vacation, some of my favorite rides have happened along the Oregon coast.

Me standing next to the largest Lincoln Logs tower in the PNW (evidence-free claim)

While I was born and raised in the PNW, my roots take me to a tiny country in Europe with a population less than Portland, OR, and one that most haven’t even heard of, Lithuania. At home, I speak fluent Lithuanian with my family, one of the oldest living languages in the world that is quickly disappearing. Trying to maintain the Lithuanian culture, I frequently volunteer at the Portland Lithuanian-American Community, and I’ve even been known to practice traditional Lithuanian Folk Dance. I try to visit my relatives in Lithuania as often as I can and I will be making a trip out there this Summer. To the few who will understand, labas ir viso gero.

Candid evidence of me in the wild

This marks my second year at Clark College, and I am currently pursuing Clark’s degree in nursing. Growing up as my mom worked as a CNA at the Peace Health Hospital off of Mill Plain, my fascination with the medical field quickly flourished. I also knew early on that helping people is what truly made me content so nursing quickly became the goal I set for myself. As I discovered my love for travel and exploration, I found that Travel Nursing offers everything that I’ve ever wanted in a career. I will be applying to Clark’s program this Spring and it’s only forward from there.

But until then, feel free to flag me down if you ever see me roaming around campus and I’ll surely say hello. I am honored to be one of your Student Ambassadors, let’s make it a great year!

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